Specifies a dimension value filter for an analysis view. By setting a dimension value filter, you specify that only entries with the dimension values set in the filter are to be included in an analysis view. To set the filter, choose the field.

The Dimension Value Filter can be useful if you have set up an analysis view specifically to monitor a particular part of a company's activities, for example, sales in a department or sales in a specific area.

You can enter a maximum of 250 characters, both numbers and letters. There are certain rules for how these can be combined. Here are some examples of how your company might use filters:

MeaningSample ExpressionEntries Included in Update

Equal to


Dimension value 200


200 .. 350

Dimension values 200 through 350



Dimension value Administration and Sales.

Different from


All dimension values except Sales

Click here to learn more about dimensions.


See Also