When you order items, they are not always shipped from the address on the invoice. When you set up purchase orders, invoices and credit memos, you can use the Order Address table to choose among alternative order addresses.

Order addresses are set up for each vendor on the vendor's card.

The Order Address table can contain several order addresses for each vendor. A code representing the order address information is linked to each address. When you set up purchase quotes, orders, invoices and credit memos, you can enter an order address code in the Order Address Code field on the purchase header, which determines the order address used.

Note that if you select an alternative address from the Order Address table, the program replaces all the address fields on the purchase header as follows: the address linked to the vendor number in the Buy-from Vendor No. field is replaced with the alternative address.

After you enter the code in the Order Address field on purchase quotes, orders, invoices or credit memos, subsequent printouts will contain information linked to the order address code (address, name, and so on).

See Also